Indonesia’s flight safety rankings rose to 55th position from 191 countries based on the results of aviation safety audits conducted by the International Civil Aviation Organization or ICAO. That is, Indonesia’s ranking shot almost double from the previous 151 positions.
Based on the audit results of Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) conducted by ICAO, Indonesia achieved 81.15 percent fulfillment. Thus the safety of flights in Indonesia has been compliant (compliance), even exceeding the standard set by ICAO of 64.71 percent.
The audit covers eight areas of assessment, including Licensing Personnel, Airworthiness (AIR), Legislation (LEG), Aerodromes (AGA), Organization (ORG), Operations (OPS), Air Navigation (ANS), and Aircraft Investigation AIG).
It takes continuous socialization to all parties to participate in maintaining and improving the positive results that have been achieved. Socialization must be done in various ways and various channels of communication. One of them through social media such @ djpu151 owned and managed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.