
CAS Destination (JAS) as one of the largest taxpayers

The Government emphasizes the obligation of citizens to pay taxes is absolutely necessary because the tax is most important source of revenue for the country.
As we know, the obligation to pay taxes are already regulated in Article 23A of the 1945 Constitution, that is to say that the obligation to pay the tax by the citizens of Indonesia is a form of obedience to the law.

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxation gave award to CAS destination (JAS) on appreciation of the great contribution in the payment of taxes 2015. Therefore, CAS Destination (JAS) entered into the list of Biggest Taxpayers which registered in the Tax Office Pratama Jakarta Kramat Jati.

This award motivate us as a growing company in supporting the Government’s program to develop the better nation.

By adminNovember 12, 2015News